Sep-27-2024 PST: WOW SoD ClassicNavigating Level 60: Essential Activities in WoW Classic Season of DiscoveryWith the arrival of Phase 4 in World of Warcraft's Season of Discovery (SoD), players have finally reached the coveted level cap of 60. This milestone opens the door to a plethora of endgame content that can elevate your gameplay experience. Whether you're gearing up for raids, completing at
May-09-2024 PST: WOW SoD ClassicWorld of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Patch NotesToday marks another round of adjustments to the Season of Discovery servers in World of Warcraft, with specific attention given to three classes: Warlocks, Shamans, and Hunters. While the update may seem relatively slim compared to previous patches, these changes will significantly impact the dynami
May-04-2024 PST: WOW SoD Classic12 Rogue Runes in WoW Classic Season of DiscoveryRogue runes are special items you can uncover in WoW Classic Season of Discovery (SoD), enhancing your abilities or granting new ones when equipped to your chest, gloves, or pants slots. These runes are found through quests, exploration, or interactions with class-specific NPCs. Below are some of th
Apr-21-2024 PST: WOW SoD ClassicSeason of Discovery: Discoverer's DelightThe Season of Discovery in WoW Classic has introduced an unprecedented level of generosity with the Discoverer's Delight buff. This buff, currently active on the SoD US Server, offers a doubling of experience gained and a quadrupling of gold rewards from quests.Blizzard's intention with thes
Dec-19-2023 PST: WOW SoD ClassicRevitalizing Hunter Abilities: Chimera Shot and Explosive Shot Adjustments in SoDThe dynamic world of WoW Classic Season of Discovery beckons hunters to revisit their arsenal and unleash the full potential of Chimera Shot and Explosive Shot. An exploration into the intricacies of these abilities reveals a need for adjustments to enhance their effectiveness in both PvE rotations