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WoW Dragonflight Season 4 Mythic+ Dungeon Rotation

Dragonflight Season 4 in World of Warcraft brings back the exciting feature of Mythic+ dungeons, where players can delve into more challenging versions of heroic dungeons with scaling difficulties. These dungeons unlock at level 70 after completing a short questline and scale from levels 2 to 30, becoming progressively harder with increased mob health/damage and weekly affixes. Success in completing a Mythic+ dungeon within the time limit upgrades the Keystone, granting access to higher levels, while failure results in a downgrade. Let's explore the eight Mythic+ dungeon pools for Dragonflight Season 4.


Ahn'kahet returns as a prominent dungeon in WoW Dragonflight Season 4's Mythic+ rotation, drawing players into the first Arc of War against the Nerubian foes. This dungeon, also known as The Old Kingdom, is situated in Dragonblight and features a variety of enemies, including undead Nerubians, blood elves, and Twilight's Hammer cultists. Its bosses include Elder Nadox, Prince Taldaram, Jedoga Shadowseeker, and Herald Volazj, each posing unique challenges and threats.


Azjol-Nerub, a dungeon filled with insectoid denizens known as Nerubians, offers a moderate challenge on normal difficulty and ramps up to level 80 for heroic mode. Players face formidable foes like Krik'thir the Gate Watcher, Hadronox, and the fallen king Anub'arak, all corrupted by the Scourge and Yogg-Saron's influence.


The Stonecore, located in Deepholm, presents an underground adventure close to the heart of Azeroth. With bosses like Crystal Fang, Atramedes, Maloriak, and Occulus, this dungeon provides a mix of challenges and encounters suitable for Mythic+ gameplay.

Tol Dagor

Tol Dagor, a dungeon set in Tiragarde Sound, features encounters with Brother Thaddeus, Captain Harlan, Overseer Korgus, and the main antagonist Lady Ashvane. Despite initial challenges with AoE mechanics, Tol Dagor's potential for Mythic+ inclusion is promising with some adjustments and tuning.

Siege of Boralus

The Siege of Boralus, located in the capital city of Boralus, offers an exciting narrative of friendship and betrayal through encounters with Sharkbite, Captain Eudora, Tol'var the Inevitable, and Lady Ashvane. Its thematic elements make it a strong contender for Mythic+ rotation.


Arcatraz, a floating prison complex in Netherstorm, presents challenges against Zereketh the Unbound, Dalliah the Doomsayer, Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates, and Harbinger Skyriss. With some adjustments to boss mechanics, Arcatraz could make a compelling addition to the Mythic+ lineup.

Seat of the Triumvirate

Seat of the Triumvirate, set in Suramar, features encounters with Vixx the Collector, Kil'ruk the Wind-eater, Fel Lord Zakuul, and the Deificon of the Triumvirate. Its rich lore and void energy themes make it a fitting choice for Mythic+ dungeons.

Lost City of the Tol'vir

Lastly, the Lost City of the Tol'vir, located in Uldum, offers encounters with General Husam, Lockmaw, High Prophet Barim, and Siamat. While lacking significant mechanics initially, Blizzard could enhance its gameplay for Mythic+ challenges.

These eight dungeons encompass a diverse range of themes, challenges, and narratives, making them potential candidates for WoW Dragonflight Season 4's Mythic+ rotation. Players can anticipate engaging encounters and strategic gameplay as they tackle these dungeons in their Mythic+ journeys.

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