RuneScape's New Party Hat
RuneScape has been praising its twentieth commemoration the entire year, yet the arrival of the Party Hat was a champion for some.
RuneScape added the Party Hat 20 years prior as a component of a Christmas occasion - it was the benevolent you'd get from a saltine, a little unstable however vivid thing that you'd gracelessly put on your head, possibly tear, and afterward discard. You were intended to receptacle it in RuneScape as well, yet not every person did. Some kept it. Also from that point forward, it's expanded in cost, going for 2.1 billion RS gold available. So RuneScape chose to celebrate for the individuals who "passed up a major opportunity" by adding another Party Hat, the Golden Party Hat.
"2021 denoted the twentieth Anniversary of RuneScape and we have been praising this epic achievement the entire year," item chief Matt Casey told TheGamer. "We started things off in January with the Grand Party occasion which rejoined players with a portion of the game's most conspicuous characters and conceded some extra-exceptional beauty care products. We proceeded with the subject with the dispatch of a multi-part journey that brings players profound into RuneScape's past, present, and future, and we dispatched the hotly anticipated Elder Gods story circular segment, telling the story of creatures who initially produced the universe of Gielinor.
"While we were arranging this, we realized we needed to hold something uniquely amazing back for the year's end as an unexpected compensation for every one of our players: old, new, and returning. We saw another Party Hat as the ideal method for remembering the event and take into account the people who may have passed up a major opportunity the initial chance to get in on the party activity!"
One of the large concerns with bringing back the Party Hat was degrading the first. A few players are perched on a strict goldmine with billions in esteem, so bringing it 'back in its exemplary structure wasn't on the table. Their extraordinariness is the thing that has made them so famous and pursued - RuneScape knew this and took care to try not to conflict with the Party Hat of 20 years prior.
"The first RuneScape Party Hats are loved things for those players adequately fortunate to claim them, and we wouldn't have any desire to remove anything from that," Casey said. "Assuming that we just added a greater amount of the current Party Hat things to the game, then, at that point, their worth would diminish. So we stayed away from this by making the Golden Party Hat into a variation - a different thing. We held consistent with the first notorious plan, so it's as yet unmistakable, yet presently with added gloss.
"It incited some fascinating conversations," Casey added. "Would it be a good idea for it to be something very similar or unique? Sharp or cone shaped? Intelligent or plain? How troublesome would it be a good idea for it to be to get? I believe any reasonable person would agree that many of us were somewhat anxious with regards to how it would be gotten, however our players have been super-positive and are truly partaking in the entire occasion. It's been an incredible method for finishing an astounding year for RuneScape. To that multitude of players who have inquired as to whether we will rehash this: Well, we should simply say here's to the following 20 years!"