Dark and Darker - Ranger Does NOT Require a Nerf

How does a Ranger effectively clear a room when entering from a zone after dealing with campers?

The odds are already stacked against us if a Rogue decides to camp. If we're forced to both navigate the terrain and wait for hours to prepare an arrow, we become vulnerable to being rushed down by opportunistic foes lurking at entrances, just waiting for Rangers to make their move.

What are we attempting to address here? The Ranger class is, in fact, in a rather good state. Why, then, are we calling for nerfs?

Throughout PVP gaming history, sniper classes have always wreaked havoc, not because they're overpowered, but because players rush toward them like jesters. People often disrespect ranged classes on their own terms. Closing the gap between players and Rangers shouldn't be an issue. Rangers are extremely fragile when faced with close-quarters combat, and they can be two-tapped by anything in the game when foes get up close.

This is in stark contrast to the ambush and one-shot abilities of Rogues, which indeed aren't healthy for the game. Rangers can be outplayed and even outlasted. I've lost count of the times someone forced me to retreat after enduring seven hits, three of which were headshots.

Furthermore, playing as a Ranger is considerably more costly. The issue lies in players needing to improve their skills. It has always been the case when it comes to PVP against snipers. No, players shouldn't simply be entitled to running out into the open field, taking a single step, and engaging with a ranged class in close quarters combat.

I'm open to the idea of removing traps, as they can be just as problematic as the strategies employed by inexperienced Rogues. However, if we do this, we should also reduce the time it takes to draw a bow to prevent Fighters from simply walking toward us with minimal thought. I'm NOT exaggerating this issue. I've seen people survive ten arrows only to take away 70% of my life with a SINGLE cast of Judgment or just one hit from a Fighter.

Rangers do NOT need a nerf. This class already pays the price for its ranged combat capabilities with virtually zero survivability in close combat, even against poorly-equipped opponents.

Consider Clerics, for example: They can heal, be tanky, deal massive damage, trivialize the best endgame content, shield themselves from damage, buff allies—the list goes on.

Let's put an end to the frenzy surrounding Rangers. In the leaderboards, there were only TWO Rangers in the top 20. And one of those two lives and breathes this game, streaming it for 19 hours a day in hardcore mode.

The people crying out for Ranger nerfs are the ones who should try playing as Rangers themselves. These individuals often struggle to hit an arrow and still demand Ranger nerfs after being overwhelmed in close combat. Though, I keep reinforcing my character with Dark and darker gold and gear and it's still tough.

How do I know this? Because I genuinely enjoy encountering other Rangers in the lobby, even when I'm not playing as one myself. Rarely have I joined a game and thought, "Oh no, there's a Ranger." My concerns usually revolve around stealthy Rogues, Fighters who are seemingly impervious to arrows, and the incredible versatility of Clerics. Clerics, after all, can heal, tank, and deal significant damage—all within a single class. What reasoning supports the call for Ranger nerfs while Clerics remain untouched?!